The incredible success of Channel VAS can be attributed to its CEO, Bassim Haidar.
The visionary entrepreneur began his journey by addressing the need for more technological opportunities and better telecommunication services in his home country of Nigeria.
Haidar was driven to become an entrepreneur when, as a child, he witnessed the loss of his father’s fortune. From that moment he was driven to do what he could to help Nigeria and Lebanon, where his parents were born.
Eight years later, upon graduating from Beirut University College, Haidar co-founded his first company, Intercomm Ltd., specialising in telecommunications equipment and radio links This kickstarted his love of tech. He also founded GMT Group in 1995, Channel IT in 2003 and Channel VAS in 2011.
In 2021, Bassim Haidar is already one of the biggest names in the fintech industry. His latest business endeavor, Channel VAS, works with mobile network operators and financial institutions in more than 30 countries, providing financial inclusion and telecommunications services to over 560 million people.
Haider has also been an inspiration to many others in business, technology, and education. He has participated in several global and regional conferences as a keynote speaker, including Davos’ World Economic Forum, Africa CEO Forum, Africa Com, Webit and GSMA’s Mobile 360 Series. Haidar is also supporting entrepreneurship through platforms such as Endeavor and E2E
His meteoric growth and success over the past two decades has also enabled Bassim Haidar to become a significant philanthropist. He was appointed a member of Amnesty International Global Council in 2016, and he has been donating all proceeds of Channel VAS’ Squash Tournament profits to CLIC Sargent, the UK’s leading cancer charity for children.
Baden Bower News
Baden Bower